Mom is dealing with Boyd's funeral and his family and and and... She's not even planning on attending the funeral, which makes no sense to me, but, there's been drama from one of his daughters. Mom was mentioned as Boyd's "friend" in the obituary, in a statement that thanked her for her care of Boyd in his last years. There was no mention that they've been companions/partners since before Quayd was born, not to mention that she'd cared for him, literally spoon feeding him this past few months. An hour later, the her name was completely removed from the obituary as though she'd never even been a part of his life. Boyd would be terribly upset by this, no doubt. To each his own, but I will say this... nothing makes my heart hurt more than when I see people doing stupid things, selfish things after a loved one has passed away. Seriously? Do they care nothing about the deceased? How do you sleep at night, knowing that you've used the death of a loved one to prove a point? I don't get it. I've made it clear that if anyone decides to get nasty after I'm gone, I'm going to come back and haunt then! ;)I'll never understand that!
Quayd will be attending the Aaronic Priesthood Training Camp all next week. He leaves in the morning. This is supposed to be a very exciting experience for the boys his age. It's his first one. We're looking forward to this opportunity for him and are praying that he captures what it's all about!
The girls have been gone all week to girls camp. I missed them bigtime! They arrived home yesterday morning. They had a blast, but Zeej came home very sick. There was a girl at camp, who went home early and was diagnosed with strep. ZJ is showing all of the symptoms and has barely moved since she walked in the door. She was supposed to speak in Sacrament Meeting today but she wasn't up to is, so Grace offered to take her place. Grace gave a beautiful talk this morning!
What's really strange is that Doug did not and will not be chaperoning or attending either of these camps and it's the first time in their lives that they've not had their dad there. He's always been great to offer his time to the youth. Now, he'll be donating his time to the older youth!
We had a fun date night and floated the Onieda Narrows Friday afternoon with the YSA ward. The kids and Doug and I joined in with our friends, Jamie and Ryan and about thirty others a few Saturdays ago and had a blast! It was too fun! The kids were so anxious to go again, but Quayd worked and the girls were camping, so it was just Doug and I again. This is a river in Southern Idaho. It was the first time in thirty-eight years that I've touched water in Utah or Idaho that wasn't FREE.Z.ING!!! Seriously! This water felt more like the Atlantic Ocean in August in Ft. Lauderdale! Perfection! Friday, however, it's totally overcast skies and a bit cooler outside, so it wasn't quite as pleasant of an experience as our first. I told Alan, "I'm not sure I want to go if it's raining, I'd hate to get wet!" It didn't rain on us but we raced for the hottub when we got home!!!
Speaking of Alan and Jill, remember the otters? Well, Alan and Jill were at the ranch working on the cabin, so we made a little stop at their home on the way to the Narrows to leave the Otters hidden in their home.
My fires are winding down! We had our class last night, Today, I got to teach Relief Society, my first time teaching in the new ward. HAPPINESS!!! Then, getting Quayd off to camp and preparing for the Corbridge Reunion dinner for 150 people and then I'm hosting a bridal shower for Taylor, Carol's daughter the next week. That's the rest of my July.
My happiest thought today, however, is that Carol and I made a huge decision. We've been planning a road trip to Arizona! She has family there, we both have a family that are close friends of ours, and of course, there's my girls and Buddy! But, while we were on our last drive to Idaho, we decided to make this road trip a little more fun and we will be flying! Tickets purchased on Friday! We're going to Arizona in two months! HAPPINESS!!!
Liza's birthday came and went! Woohoooo! BUT, not so much because we didn't get to spend it together. AND I gave her her gift while she was here. So, a Facetime party had to do. Buddy's family is visiting Arizona this week and Buddy was in Utah for a Stake Young Men's high adventure trip to Moab. We talked several times, but it's never the same when we don't celebrate together!
We did have some discouraging news this past week. The company that Doug has worked for for the past ten years is building a plant in another country. Their workload locally is decreasing (as I understand it?) and Doug will be having his work hours cut back some. He's worked this crazy shift for three years now that has had him up at 3:53 every morning and in bed at 8 (or shooting for it, anyway.) And now, they are cutting back one day of the work week every other week, which means a paycut and no chance for overtime, which we depend on at certain times of the year. Life is full of surprises, but ironically, I've not been too stressed over it. I just feel like things will work out, somehow.
That's it for now! I tried typing all the things I love about Liza in another post and they disappeared when I added the photo of her and Buddy. I'm seriously going to be moving soon to a new blog location! It's in the works!
Life is good!
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